

K. Spiel, Transreal Tracing – Queer-Feminist Speculations on Disabled Technologies“, Feminist Theory, (2022)

A. Weiss, K. Spiel, “Creating meaningful social service robots: Calling for a culture of participation”, Springer AI & SOCIETY – Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication, (2021)

S. Burtscher, K.Spiel. “Let’s Talk about Gender” – Development of a Card Deck on (Gender) Sensitivity in HCI Research and Practice Based on a Contrasting Literature Review. i-com, vol. 20, no. 1, 2021, pp. 85-103.

O. Keyes, B. Peil, R. Williams, K. SpielReimagining (Women’s) Health: HCI, Gender and Essentialised Embodiment, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Volume 27 Issue 4, August 2020, Article No. 25 

Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed)

S. Burtscher, K. Spiel, L. D. Klausner, M. Lardelli, and D. Gromann (2022). ““Es Geht Um Respekt, Nicht Um Technologie”: Erkenntnisse Aus Einem Interessensgruppen-üBergreifenden Workshop Zu Genderfairer Sprache Und Sprachtechnologie”. In: Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2022. MuC ’22. Darmstadt, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 106–118.

L. Graf, M. Altmeyer, K. Emmerich, M. Herrlich, A. Krekhov, and K. Spiel (2022). “Development and Validation of a Ger- man Version of the Player Experience Inventory (PXI)”. In: Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2022. MuC ’22. Darmstadt, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 265–275.

K. Spiel and R. Angelini. 2022. Expressive Bodies Engaging with Embodied Disability Cultures for Collaborative Design Critiques. In Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 1–6.

F. Fussenegger and K. Spiel. 2022. Depending on Independence An Autoethnographic Account of Daily Use of Assistive Technologies. In Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 36, 1–6.

K. Kender and K. Spiel. 2022. FaceSavr™: Designing Technologies with Allistic Adults to Battle Emotion Echolalia. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 1–8.

K. Spiel, E. Hornecker, R. M. Williams, and J. Good. 2022. ADHD and Technology Research – Investigated by Neurodivergent Readers. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 547, 1–21.

D. Wittchen, K. Spiel, B. Fruchard, D. Degraen, O. Schneider, G. Freitag, P. Strohmeier. 2022. “TactJam: An End-to-End Prototyping Suite for Collaborative Design of On-Body Vibrotactile Feedback”, Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’22) , 1:1-1:13.

K. Spiel. 2021. ”Why are they all obsessed with Gender?” — (Non)binary Navigations through Technological Infrastructures. Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 478–494. Best Paper Award; Diversity & Inclusion Award Recognition.

M. Sturdee, M. Lewis, A. Strohmayer, K. Spiel, N. Koulidou, S. Fdili Alaoui, and J. Urban Davis. 2021. A Plurality of Practices: Artistic Narratives in HCI Research. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 35, 1. Best Pictorial Award.

K. Gerling, K. Spiel, “A Critical Examination of Virtual Reality Technology in the Context of the Minority Body”, Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), Article 599 (2021).

K. Spiel. The Bodies of TEI — Investigating Norms and Assumptions in the Design of Embodied Interaction. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 32, 1–19. Special Recognition for Diversity & Inclusion.

S. Burtscher, K. Spiel. “But where would I even start?”: developing (gender) sensitivity in HCI research and practice, In Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer (MuC ’20). 431–441, 2020. Best Paper Honourable Mention Award.

Book Chapters

K. Spiel (2023). “Transreal Tracing – Queerfeministische Spekulationen zu Behinderung und Technologie”. In: Glade, Nadine. No Body is Perfect?! transcript.

A. Weiss and K. Spiel (2021). “Ein Ruf nach mehr Partizipation in der Gestaltung sozialer Serviceroboter”. In: Braun, Kathrin and Cordula Kropp. In digitaler Gesellschaft – Neukonfigurationen zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und Usern. transcript.

Workshop Contributions

K. Spiel. “Thinking around Humility as a Stance for Participatory Design”, Proceedings of the Mensch und Computer 2020 Workshop on “Partizipative & sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung”, Magdeburg, DE (2020).

A. Weiss, K. Spiel. “Should robots have a gender – Should they be gendered?“, RO-MAN2021 Workshop “GENDERING ROBOTS: Ongoing (Re)configurations of Gender in Robotics” (2021).

Magazine Articles & Editorials

K. Spiel, K. Gerling. “Virtual Bodies“, The Architectural Review (03/2022)

K. Spiel, “Critical Thinking at the Foundation for Engineering Ethics Education”, SEFI Editorial, (2021).

K. Spiel, “Geschlecht in technologischer Infrastruktur”, Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft – Geschlechtersensible Sprache – Dialog auf Augenhöhe – Leitfaden, (2021)

A. Weiss, K. Spiel, “Should robots have a gender – Should they be gendered?”, RO-MAN2021 Workshop ”GENDERING ROBOTS: Ongoing (Re)configurations of Gender in Robotics”, online (2021)

K. Spiel. “”You will have to choose one of two options” — Being Non-Binary in a Binary World“, Engines of Difference, March 2021

K. Spiel. Katta Spiel“, interactions — What are you reading?, 27 (6), November 2020