
This website should be considered archival. It will only periodically be updated. The project finished in 04/2023.

Computing technologies in our environment moved from being large mainframe setups increasingly towards, on and even inside human bodies. Innovative technologies like wearables, on-body tattoos or somaesthetic mats engage bodies in interaction. However, a thorough and critical investigation into the conceptualisation of human bodies in interaction with these technologies albeit highly relevant for the research community, is missing so far. With this FWF supported Hertha-Firnberg project hosted by the Human-Computer Interaction Group at TU Wien, we will critically analyse how bodies are constructed within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design, conduct participatory design with people whose bodies are marginalised by technologies and create two robust research products materialising alternatives to the status quo. Our work will detail the epistemological and designerly consequences as well as potential counter strategies to dominant normative assumptions.

You want to know more? Please look around and/or write to katta[dot]spiel[at]tuwien[dot]ac[dot]at. You may also follow us on Twitter or Instagram.